Fighting COVID-19 Together

Community Conversations on COVID-19

The Health Committee partnered with community members to host our first fully funded Community Conversation: Fighting COVID Together, Fight with Facts: BIPOC Americans still at a higher risk of infection.

We thank our excellent panelists: Dr. Jocasta Gee Olp, Nyabony Gat, Pastor May, and Dr. Richard Berry for sharing their time and expertise.

Stay tuned for upcoming conversations by following the ABC on Facebook. Sunday, October 10th we will host a Community Conversation on COVID-19 and mental health. All are welcome.

Black Alaskans’ Health Status Report and Needs Assessment

We continue to move forward on additional grant funded projects including the Black Alaskans’ Health Status Report and Needs Assessment. The ABC recognizes that racism is a public health crisis in Alaska. However, gaps in public health data reporting by race make it difficult to accurately report and address racism-based disparities in the Black community.

The goal of this project is to evaluate current and historical data related to common indicators of public health among the Black population in Alaska, publish findings, and recommend evidence-based practices for reporting public-health data by race.

Bettye Davis African American COVID-19 Summit

The Alaska Black Caucus is hosting the Bettye Davis African American COVID-19 Summit on Saturday, October 23rd. The all day event will be held virtually and in person at Bettye Davis East Anchorage High School featuring faith, community, national speakers, and opportunities for vaccination.

We continue to welcome new members to the ABC Health Workgroup each week. Thank you to all! If you would like to join us in this important and necessary work, please sign-up to become a member or an ally.