Equity in Health: November Updates

Community Conversations

The Alaska Black Caucus Health Committee continues to implement a series of Community Conversations on topics related to COVID-19 and health equity in Alaska.

In October, we held a powerful Community Conversation on COVID-19, trauma, and mental health. Thank you to our excellent panelists Laronsia Reynolds and Tandra Rutledge for sharing their expertise with us and to our skilled ABC moderator, Eric Gurely, for navigating this expansive topic.

Join us on Zoom this month Sunday, November 21st for the next topic in this series, Vaccinations for Kids and Youth. Ask questions and get answers from the experts.

All are welcome to join Community Conversations. We are working to expand our audience through a media and outreach campaign.

Health Equity Grand Rounds

The ABC is thrilled to be partnering with the ECHO Project at UAA to implement Health Equity Grand Rounds.

This series of six topics will aim to bring together the health care workforce, health professions trainees, and the Black community for exploration of the history of racism in medicine and implications for COVID-19 outcomes, race-based medicine, visions for health equity in Anchorage, trauma-informed care, conversations between healthcare providers and BIPOC individuals, and system changes to increase health equity.

Stay tuned for more information.

Get Involved

Health Committee is currently seeking a Co-Chair. Please contact thealaskablackcaucus@gmail.com with inquiries and referrals. As always, we welcome new members to the health working group. For more information and to join this important work, visit www.thealaskablackcaucus.com.