July was a quiet month for the Alaska Black Caucus Education Committee. With the Alaska summer months swiftly passing by, summer travel, celebrating the birth of our nation, local festivities, and taking in the natural beauty surrounding us, our committee meeting took place through email this month. The Anchorage School District School Board posted its 2023-2024 meetings schedule. As stated last month, the chair hopes that meeting attendance can be divided among committee members so that we have a strong presence this upcoming school year. Committee members are encouraged to attend in person or virtually by streaming via YouTube. Members may also testify on agenda items or nonagenda items in person, over the telephone, or in written testimony. A Doodle Schedule was posted (https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/e14EgDmd) for committee members to note which meetings they could attend.
The Education Committee Community Conversation was pushed back to September 10. The topic is still “It Takes A Village,” and the focus article selection is nearly complete. The committee’s next meeting will be August 14, on Zoom, from 6-7 PM.
The committee’s next meeting was on August 14, on Zoom, from 6-7 PM. Email thealaskablackcaucus@gmail.com to sign up to receive information about the next committee meeting in September.