October Forecast: Economics Projects

Over the past several months much of my time and attention has been directed to attending meetings (most on Zoom), talking to individuals and  conducting ‘research’ and evaluating what could the ABC Economic Development Committee do differently, and/or better than was already being done, by the various groups, organizations or individuals, already putting great efforts into this ‘problem’.

It was decided that, as a start, the Committee would collect, sort and compact as much information as possible and serve as an ‘information resource’ or ‘How-To center’, available for individuals and groups needing basic, ‘hands on’ or ‘one-to-one’ assistance or help in understanding some of the fundamentals of ‘how to get started’ or how to ‘conduct the research’ needed to support my project or business. This service would not serve to duplicate any of the existing entities or services already set-up to do this, but would supplement the efforts of some of the existing services, not known or used by the Black businesses.

To start, our plans involve:

  • Meeting with as many Black business owners as possible on an ongoing basis to get their input and suggestions on how the Committee could best serve their interest and that of the Black community;
  • Hosting forums where those entities or individuals who are in positions to best assist the Black businesses will be invited with questions asked, answers received and proposals and suggestions given for open and honest and vetted consideration. 

In summary, there are many things that need to be done in the area of Economic Development and there are many ways that each can be addressed. The ABC Economic Development Committee does not profess to having ‘all of the answers’ to the questions already asked or the countless number of questions that will be asked before economic parity is attained by all. But the commitment is that we will be as diligent, open and and responsive as possible in working to make this a better community and a better place for ALL of us to live and work.

To this end, the Committee will be Hosting the ABC’s Community Conversation agenda on Sunday, November 7 2021 with an assemblage of panelists who will directly address, respond to some of the questions that you have been asking and provide information about and directions to some you might not have thought about. Please join.